Get ready to take control of your business growth.

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Be in control of your business goals and your company’s future.

Our Services

  • Growth & Sales Strategy

    Personalized consulting on growth and go to market strategy for the companies. Review, develop and align the best strategies for your organization

  • Fractional Sales

    Project-based cooperation

  • Matchmaking

    Unlock the power of strategic connections with our Business Matchmaking service

  • Technical Advisory

    technology + growth. Navigate the challenges you face in product/service growth with the help of our technical advisors + optimization of technology you are using within sales departments

  • Sales Process Optimization

    Use technology and processes to better align your cross-functional team members and optimize the efficiency and output of your sales pipeline and revenue operations.


Solomiya: A Multilingual Business Development Partner
Solomiya, originally from Lviv, has received her education in Berlin and is currently based in Paris. As a Client Executive and Business Development Partner, she boasts fluency in seven languages and possesses over 18 years of business experience across various sectors, roles, and cultural backgrounds. Her comprehensive expertise lies in driving global business growth and development on scale.